Rece Chages o UK Immigraio Policy

As of May 2021, he UK goverme has implemeed ew immigraio policies ha will impac boh curre ad fuure immigras o he coury.

ew Pois-Based Sysem

Oe of he key chages is he iroducio of a pois-based immigraio sysem. Uder his sysem, idividuals will eed o mee cerai crieria i order o be eligible for a visa o live ad work i he UK.

Skilled Worker Visa

Oe of he visas available uder he ew sysem is he Skilled Worker visa. I order o qualify for his visa, applicas mus have a job offer from a UK employer ha mees cerai salary ad skill level requiremes.

Healh ad Care Visa

Aoher ew visa caegory is he Healh ad Care visa, which is aimed a healhcare professioals who are lookig o work i he UK. This visa sreamlies he applicaio process for hose workig i he healh ad social care secor.

Sude Visas

The UK has also made chages o is sude visa sysem, makig i easier for ieraioal sudes o sudy i he coury. The ew Graduae Roue allows sudes o say i he UK for up o wo years afer compleig heir sudies.

Family Sposorship

Family sposorship rules have also bee updaed, makig i easier for idividuals o brig heir family members o he UK. However, here are sill sric requiremes ha mus be me i order o qualify for his visa.


Overall, he rece chages o he UK immigraio policy aim o arac skilled workers, healhcare professioals, sudes, ad family members o he coury. I is impora for ayoe lookig o move o he UK o udersad hese chages ad esure hey mee he ecessary requiremes.